Teresa F Faris / USA

In the English language the word Lien is defined as a debt, birthright or spleen. This word is also the surname given to my paternal great-grandmother. To assimilate is to assume that one has a profound understanding and has become similar to the those around them. Inherited genetics, trauma and knowledge is resistant to culture change and assimilation and feels like a vibration in the body while it works its way to the surface. This series of work addresses Teresa’s desire to understand the overwhelming idea of birthright and the debts we must pay with our body and mind in order to fit in and survive while living in diaspora, and existing as an invasive species. This work is reminiscent of traditional jewelry and employs design, technique and materials that simultaneously reveal and conceal. Through each cut and soldered piece, Teresa is able to move closer to her truth.


Sunyoung Cheong / USA


Thomas Mann / USA